To prepare for the Baptism of your infant or toddler, please send us a message at [email protected]. Parents have to have been registered/contributing members of St. Eugene Parish for 3 months prior to Baptism. St. Eugene requires a Baptism Class for parents and godparents prior to Baptism. This class helps to deepen the appreciation of the magnitude of this Sacrament in the life of the family and of the mystical Body of Christ. Pre-registration of at least one week prior to the date of the class is required. The dates are listed below. Baptisms are usually at 3:30 pm on Sunday. The Baptism Information Form must be filled in and sent to [email protected] along with a copy of the child’s Birth Certificate. The link to the Baptism Information form is below:
Baptism Information Sheet (PDF)
The role of godparent is a very special role in the eyes of the Church. Only one is required but if there are two, one of each gender. A godparent must be a practicing/contributing Catholic in good standing. A godparent must submit a copy of his/her Confirmation Certificate, First Holy Communion, and Matrimony, if applicable. The godparent must be living a sacramental life and, as such, if married must be married in the Catholic Church and not living with a partner outside the Sacrament of Matrimony. The Godparent Information Form must be signed by the godparent’s Pastor and returned at least 2 weeks prior to the Baptism along with the above-mentioned copies of Sacrament Certificates. Return to: [email protected]
The link to the Godparent Information form is below:
Godparent Information Sheet (PDF)
"Holy Baptism is the basis of the whole Christian life, the gateway to life in the Spirit (vitae spiritualis ianua), and the door which gives access to the other sacraments." (CCC 1213).
Enroll at least one week prior to the class by emailing [email protected]. Seminars are held at 6:30 p.m. in the church meeting rooms on the dates listed below:
Time: 6:30 pm (This is a change)
Place: Meeting Rooms
Dates - 2nd Monday of the month:
The Baptism of a child aged 4-16 requires not only a special Baptism Class for the parents and godparents, but also special preparation of the children. Usually there is one class for children aged 4-5 and at least 2 classes for children aged 6-16. Additionally, it is expected that the older children are enrolled either in St. Eugene School or in the parish Religious Education Program. Godparent requirements are the same for the older children’s Baptisms as they are for Infant Baptism.
The classes and Baptisms are scheduled usually twice a year. Please contact j[email protected] for more information.
Updated Godparent Information Sheet
Please bring the following forms to the seminar. Additionally the godparent should bring the copies of his/her Sacramental Certificates.
Adult Baptisms are usually done once a year at the Easter Vigil. The preparation process is done through the OCIA classes which meet September through Easter. Please contact [email protected] for more information or visit the OCIA page through the link below:
OCIA page